Monday 9 November 2009


The situation in the house hit boiling point yesterday evening. Our day began, a little hungover with a friend asleep on our couch from a fairly loose Saturday evening. To our dismay, as one of our housemates was leaving for work early Sunday morning she was told to 'feel free to slam the door shut'. This was in retaliation to an accidental drunken door closing incident at about 1:30am before hand. Mature way to respond, no, not at all.
At learning this disgusting behaviour to wind us up, I reacted the best way I could think of to drive home the realisation that we knew about their cunning plan. I, for the rest of the day, proceeded in slamming every single door I went through. Not my finest moment I know, but we really wanted to let them know that we were pissed off with their early morning scheming.
It worked also, it brought out the confrontation that we had been looking for, albeit at 11:30pm in the evening, but when the male housemate confronted me about it wondering why we were slamming the doors, it was gratifying to be able to let him know that his pathetic little plan that day did not go unnoticed or without repercussions. This argument, which lasted some 15 minutes with a lot of things said to each other, has not resolved any of the existing problems. We will never be friends, we don't want to be friends with them. All it has done is released some of our anger, with the rest of it simmering away below until such a time comes where we can not hold it in any longer.

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